Matthews, NC, Beauty School Hosts Entertaining Open House Event

by Empire Beauty School

mathhews-open-house-eventThe Matthews, North Carolina, Empire Beauty School hosted their Celebrating Mom open house event in conjunction with the schools local competition for Empire Education Group’s Future Professionals Expo.

“It was an amazing event. There was so much creativity and talent that I was so thankful I did not have to be a judge,” smirked Angela Parkman, Academic Director for the Matthews Empire Beauty School.

Guests who arrived at the school for the open house were treated to the entertaining competi­tion, as well as refreshments and free beauty services which were performed by the senior level students.

A representative from the school’s adopted shelter, The Shelter for Battered Women, was also in attendance to accept a check in the amount of $1,868.45 from the students and staff. The money was raised during the school’s participation in Empire Education Group’s National Day of Beauty event.

“The students were extremely excited during the check presentation. So much so that the repre­sentative from the shelter acknowledged that she has been to many check presentations, but this was by far the most energy she had seen exhibited at any of them,” said Parkman.

The shelter representative, Debbie Wolf, expressed the shelter’s gratitude for the support that the students and staff continue to give the shelter. The funds will help the shelter continue to as­sist women and children every day. Wolf then explained how the shelter protects and assists the residents of the facility, women and children, and how great it is to have the support from the Empire Beauty School.

March 29, 2011

One thought on "Matthews, NC, Beauty School Hosts Entertaining Open House Event"

  1. I LOVE it! She looks younger to me with the hair such a stnnniug silver! I am going gray and deciding to keep it that way for several reasons the first: cost I am finally working at a wonderful heart-filling job that does not pay very well at all (read poverty level here!). To dye my hair often enough with a quality result would simply cost more than I can afford. I tried two times at a local salon, loved the results and then realized I couldn’t afford it. I simply cut it all off to about a 1/4 inch length and enjoyed the buzz cut until it grew.My second reason is that I love the way it looks the highlighting/lightening that is occurring is gorgeous.The third reason I love it is that I am getting the wildest curly hair I always wanted! I finally have the curl even when longer that I only had when it was very short so I LOVE the somewhat out of control Roseanne Rosannadanna look that I’m developing.My only concern is now what colors should I be wearing since I am going gray not just for make-up but for clothes as well. I don’t look the way I used to with colors but I don’t know what to do to fix the problem! ACK! Anyone have any ideas/solutions?

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