Economically speaking: 2011 Cosmetology school statistics
The title of this article reads like a school report, doesn’t it? But there isn’t a ‘fun’ way to tell you that cosmetology school will offer you tons of beauty career choices: Cosmetology is a thriving industry. Ugh, I sound like Dad when he’s on a rant. It’s true, though, the cosmetology economic statistics show us that the beauty career industry is continuing to grow. Roll your eyes all you want, but check out some of these facts:
- If you haven’t noticed, we had a pretty serious recession in the late 2000s. Despite how hard hit so many people were, the salon industy has shown consistent growth in the last decade.
- The salon industy has over 900,000 establishments. Keep in mind these are what they know about, according to a classification (the way a government describes something.) As an industry, cosmetology school means you can work all kinds of places (after obtaining your license.)
- The cosmetology industry is a 40 BILLION dollar industry.
- The best growth was seen in ‘non-employee’ establishments. That means, more cosmetologists might be working for themselves and not have any employees. Think of it as you working out of your own basement, even. If you don’t hire anyone to work with you, you are considered a non-employee establishment.
- Even during the recession, salons were not as hard hit as businesses in the private sector. To sum it up, while not as many salons opened their doors, much fewer private businesses got started during the rough economic time.
You can see cosmetology school has it’s merits, economically speaking. But that’s boring. So, let’s just say the facts clearly show cosmetology school means, once you obtain your license, your job will be more recession resistant than other fields. You may choose to do nails, cut hair or be a make-up artist. It will also make Dad rant less if you don’t have to borrow money. Less ranting, more jobs … that’s great!
Did you find a great job right out of cosmetology school? Or just have a funny story about one of Dad’s tirades on beauty school that turned out to be all wrong? We’re ready to laugh with you …