How long after you graduate cosmetology school do you have to take your test?

How long after you graduate cosmetology school do you have to take your test?
The answer to this question will depend on what state you live and work in. We recommend looking up your state’s board information to get the details on how many hours and how long you have to take the test in your state.
Now that you have completed the minimum number of training hours for your program and state, it is now time to become licensed. In order to become a licensed cosmetologist, you have to take an exam that is required by the state. There is an initial fee in order to take the exam. Testing scores vary state to state. Please check with your state board or Empire Executive Director for additional information regarding passing scores.
Although particular items vary per state requirements, Students can expect to bring a state issued government ID and possibly another form of identification. They are also required to bring the necessary tools needed to perform all services in relation to Hair coloring services, Hair cutting, Sanitation, Hair styling and in some instances Nail care and Skin care items.

Keep in mind that not all states require both a written and practical exam. Some states are limited to one or two written exams. Please check with your state’s board of cosmetology for additional information.
Upon arriving to complete your state board exam you can expect a very professional, quiet environment for testing. The proctors will expect all exam takers to be prepared with forms of identification and necessary tools per state guidelines. All kits should be packaged and prepared in a safe and sanitized
carrier. During the exam you will not be allowed to speak for the duration of the test. Tests are timed and times vary state to state.
Although testing can be intimidating, know that you have prepared for this moment and Empire is prepared to support your journey every step of the way. So take a breath, prepare and study prior to testing and remember, you got this!

Yesterday was the day! The big one, the main event. The day I had been patiently waiting to arrive for months. Yesterday I graduated from my cosmetology program, and now, as I sit here in all my bliss, happy that I finally completed my work and excited that new horizons await me, there is just one thing that keeps repeating over and over in my head- NOW WHAT DO I DO?

Every single person who has completed some sort of higher education finds themselves asking the same question. You spend your time working on perfecting your craft. You study for tests and make sure your partings are right in order to earn the seal of approval from your cosmetology instructor. But what about now? I no longer have to seek approval from my instructor. I no longer have to study for that quiz. Now my future is in my own hands.
So What Comes Next?
They say the first step is always the hardest, however, no one ever tells you that so is the second step and the third and so on. Right now you deserve a very large pat on the back for completing that first step; and while celebrations are in order, don’t forget that there is more work to be done.

I cannot stress enough how important licensure is. I want to stand on a mountain and scream as loud as I can to all the future cosmetologists out there. It’s your golden ticket!
Now, if you have been lucky enough to graduate from your program in a state that allows early testing and you have passed this obstacle, then congratulations are in order. If not, start planning. Find answers to these questions. Where do I have to go? How much does it cost? Is there a theory portion? Is there only a practical? What do I have to pack in my kit? What do I need to go to pass this exam? There are plenty of ways to find answers. First, speak with your instructors. Talk to them. Ask them to help you prepare. Trust me, they would love to help you, this is one of the many reasons they decided to work in education. Also, the internet will provide a vast amount of information on these topics. If you really want to know, I promise, just ask, and you will find the answers you are looking for.
I strongly encourage you to take your exam as soon as you can. Don’t let the knowledge you have slowly slip away. Even if you have a job in this field lined up, get that license. So many times I speak with graduates who waited-or gulp- never went for their license. I hear the regret, even if they do not outright say it. I hear the disappointment when friends tell me how they spent countless amounts of money on school, and they feel that they have thrown in all away because then didn’t finish what they set out to accomplish. In addition to forgetting the information, hours expire. Yes, in some states, if you don’t get your license, your hours are lost. Getting your license preserves all the time and energy put into school.

Looking back from my own experience, taking my theory and practical portions of my exam were two of the most nerve wracking moments in my life. I kept thinking “This is what I’ve been working so hard for, this is it. This is everything.” I gathered all of my courage, had faith in my abilities that my schooling taught me, and I never looked back. Here is my secret I choose to share with anyone who is willing to listen. All of those guests, every parting, every single one of those annoying perm rods- they were completely worth it. I would not be doing what I am doing today, almost two decades later after getting that wonderful little piece of paper in my hand. It makes me smile when I look at it, it reminds me of all I have accomplished, and that there is still more in store for me that is yet to come.
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