It’s Never Too Late to Learn: Robin Jumbelick & Gina Gilbert

The classrooms at Empire Beauty School in Reading, PA are filled with future professionals going after their dream of becoming a stylist. But for at least 2 students, that dream has taken a bit longer than most.
Robin Jumbelick
47-year-old Robin Jumbelick is just a few weeks away from graduation. It’s the finish line she never thought she would reach. 15 years ago, she started cosmetology school, but life circumstances forced her to quit. This time around, she was determined to make it through.
“I came into this scared to death thinking I couldn’t do it. But the teachers helped build my confidence.” says Jumbelick. “I do a lot of studying. I take my test soon. I’m excited and nervous, but I know I’ll do great.”
She says many things have changed in recent years, particularly technology. “The tablet I had to get used to, but now I like it. It was a bit of a challenge at first, but you need to learn to adapt and overcome so that you can go farther.”
Part of adapting included making new friends, most of which are much younger.
“I’ve made friends from the age of 17 to 45. Plus the teachers.”
Gina Gilbert
Fellow EBS student Gina Gilbert says the same. “I have made so many friends, the young people respect me. In fact, they call me Mama GiGi.”
Gilbert says the younger girls come to her for everything . “I even watch what they wear and try to match it here and there!”
Gina came to Empire 6 months ago, after a 35 year career in nursing. “I always wanted to do cosmetology. All my kids are grown and married now and I was in between nursing jobs and I just wasn’t feeling it anymore, and my husband said why don’t you go down to Empire and look into their program.”
It took a bit of convincing, but she eventually agreed to stop in and inquire.
“I love it. It’s everything I thought it would be and more.”
Like most older students, Gilbert was worried she wouldn’t be able to keep up with the technology students use today.
“When I was told I was going to receive a tablet instead of a book, I said ‘I can’t do this!’ But now, the tablet is not a problem. It’s easy to use.”
Both women plan to open their own salons and style hair well into retirement. “This has been a life long dream for me.” Says Jumbelick. “My children told me they are proud of me. That made me feel like a kid again. If it’s truly in your heart and you’re passionate about it, go after your dream. It’s there. It’s in your grasp.”