Pre-Salon To Salon Transition

The time has come! You were once a bright-eyed student absorbing information, skills, and knowledge in Pre-Salon, now you are a student who is older and wiser, ready to step out onto the Salon Floor!
Students who are in the process of transitioning usually have one of two types of reactions to this process. The first is complete and utter calm. They are eager and ready to get out on the floor and get their hands dirty. The second is the exact opposite. A tight jittery feeling, combined with the added reaction of the unknown, makes for an unsettling anxiety.

Whichever you identify with, it’s important to know this: It’s okay. Again, whichever way you are feeling, it’s completely normal and okay. This is a big step in your education, and everyone reacts differently. The important thing is to focus on moving forward. Think about all those hours spent in Pre-Salon. All that knowledge you now have. Hours of doing, redoing and then redoing yet again. All your time and energy was put in for this very transition.
So, what exactly should you be expecting on the Salon Floor? Well, let me break it down very simply by saying this: People! Glorious People! And you will have countless opportunities to take your skillset to the next level!

Yes, as you can tell, I get excited when I think about it. I love the Salon environment. It’s fast-paced, a bit crazy (like me!) and full of incredibly creative moments. As a cosmetologist, it’s what I live for. It’s what we are here to do! Think about some things you have learned. The Guest Process, Consultations, Services, etc. I get to become a rock star on the Salon Floor by combining all of those pieces together, creating a customized experience for everyone who sits in a chair.
It’s also a great opportunity for me to be honest with myself. I did not come out of Pre-Salon knowing or understanding all concepts or skills. I need to remain open-minded that there is still more to learn, and that there will always be more to learn, long after I graduate.
I will have many mentors along the way, including some who will rise to the occasion willingly and some who won’t even realize that they are teaching me. The extraordinary ones will even be able to teach me in a way that I won’t even know that I’m learning. Those experiences and feelings all start with my Salon Educator.

So, what’s my point? This is an amazing time in your career! This is the next step and you should be proud and excited to take it. So, yes, you may be ready or you may be freaking out internally, either way it’s ok. Understand that you are fully capable of succeeding. The only one you have to worry or focus on is yourself. Take what you have learned and put it to use. Sharpen and perfect your skills here while you are still in the comfort of school, then show the beauty world what you are made of. Take challenges as they come, and remain open-minded as you move forward. Shine on!
If you are interested in learning more about a future in cosmetology, please fill out the online form on this page or call us at 1 (800) 964-1328.
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