Surprise! You Need to Learn These Subjects for a Cosmetology License

You might be surprised what subjects you will cover in cosmetology school to help prepare you for your state board license. Let’s take a look.

You Know You’ll Learn about Hair
Of course you’ll learn about hair. You’ll learn how to cut, style, color, perm and relax hair. You’ll learn the proper techniques to wash and condition hair. If it’s about hair, you’ll need to know it.

Then There Are Nails and Makeup to Worry About
For a cosmetology license, you’ll also need to know a lot about nails, skin, and makeup. It all depends on what your state requires for licensing, but you can bet there will be a lot more than hair to cover. You’ll learn to apply make up properly, create artificial nails and perform facials.

But, There’s Also Anatomy
You might not believe it, but you’ll learn a lot about the human body. You’ll learn about the way hair, nails, and skin grow. You’ll also learn about what can cause irritations or problems and when you can or cannot perform services. Anything that can impact a healthy appearance will be on the agenda.

And Chemistry
More than anything, you’ll become a rock star chemist. You will need to know all about different formulas, compositions, and what could totally destroy your clients’ lovely locks. Even if this wasn’t your favorite part of high school science, you’ll better understand chemistry by the time you are licensed.

If You Can Get Ahead…
If you’re excited to get started, you may want to brush up on your sciences. Or, spend a little extra time studying the way colors work together. Because, you’d better believe that color is a big part of the job – and cosmetology school is when you really begin to experiment with it.
If you are interested in learning more about cosmetology and the programs that Empire Beauty School offers, please fill out the online form on this page or call us at 1 (800) 964-1328.