So You Wanna be a Beauty Vlogger? Here's How To Get Started!

If you’ve been considering beauty “vlogging” (video blogging), here is your go-to resource.
Being a successful vlogger takes more than just great hair and makeup skills. It takes effort, consistency and a personality to match! If you’re serious about sharing your beauty knowledge via video, then use these tips.

Be Consistent
Consistency is important. Be committed. Posting at least 1 video per week will keep your followers expecting more. Make a schedule of videos you would like to do, and stick to it. Even if your first few videos do not take off like you had hoped, keep going. Building a following takes time!
Make sure your videos have good content and are of good quality. Word of mouth will help your vlog take off if you are doing great work. Make sure you are knowledgeable and passionate about your topics. You are the expert. If you are doing “how to” videos, make sure you explain each step so your viewers can follow what you are teaching them.
Teacher Knows Best
Natural teaching ability and a genuine love of teaching others is just as important as good technical skills. People are watching your video because they want to learn something.

Be Yourself
It sounds cliché, but it’s important. Most people like to watch others who are down to earth and relatable. Don’t try too hard. Let your personality shine through. Be yourself and everything will fall into place.
Promote Promote Promote!
In today’s world, social media reigns supreme. The more places you can promote your vlog the better. Staying up to date on every social media platform out there is a must. It’s also a very cheap and easy way to promote your work. YouTube or your own website may be your main platform, but spreading the word about your latest vlog on Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram and other places will help the world spread like wildfire!
If you’re really serious:
National events like Vidcon, Beautycon and Generation Beauty are great conventions where you can meet other vloggers, test out the latest in beauty trends and products, and get a better idea of how to promote yourself through social media channels.
If you are lucky enough to already know some successful vloggers, collaborations can tremendously help you grow your subscribers, as they will introduce you to new audiences.