6 Things to Help You Complete Cosmetology School

Beginning a career in the Cosmetology Industry is exciting. It means a new start, meeting new people and learning new skills. But let’s face it, it can also be terrifying and frustrating at times. Having gone through cosmetology school, I experienced these feelings firsthand. As an educator, I helped future stylists make it through these same fears and anxieties.
Tampa’s new student with celebrity artist, Gregory Patterson, and Empire’s CEO, Frank Schoeneman.
1. Find a Mentor
Mentors are an incredible source of inspiration and guidance. Anyone can become a mentor for you. An educator, a celebrity stylist, a business person outside of the industry, anyone who inspires you and can help you achieve your goals. Reach out and ask their advice. You’ll be pleasantly, surprised what might come of it.
New future professionals at our Avondale, AZ campus.
2. It’s Okay to be Scared
You’ve never done this before, it’s natural to be scared or apprehensive when you find yourself faced with new things. There will be times throughout your career when something scares you. Acknowledge what you’re feeling and then use it to motivate you to conquer and grow!
Danielle, student at our Empire Beauty School in Louisville/Hurstbourne
3. Be Patient
Your skills will not appear magically! They will take time to develop. Obtaining a consistent fingerwave, creating clean lines and partings in a haircut, achieving a beautiful blow-out, rolling a perm, etc. I could keep going, but I think you get the point. All of these things will take practice. Talk to any Platform Artist and they will tell you the same thing…practice, practice, practice! Give yourself permission to not be perfect. On your early attempts simply do the best that you can and strive to do better next time.
1st and 2nd place winners in the Up Do competition at our Tampa Empire Beauty School
4. Make Mistakes
I cannot stress this enough! Make mistakes while you’re in school so that you can work with your educator(s) to learn how to correct them. The more practice you get handling ‘emergencies’ behind the chair, the less rattled you’re likely to be when you are out on your own. School is a safe place to learn and grow. So, take advantage of the safety net provided.
End of color module for these Malden Empire Beauty School students.
5. Build Relationships
Look around…everyone in your class is feeling the same thing. You are all in the same boat. No one else will understand the anxiety you face when performing your first haircut for a Guest or the sheer excitement when you learn how to properly pronounce pseudomonas aeruginosa. Your educators will understand and be there to celebrate all these milestones with you. They will also be there to provide guidance and feedback. Another opportunity to build relationships is with your Guests. As you move onto the student salon floor, your Guests will become a great source of growth for you and may turn into lifelong Guests.
Brooklyn students wish their fellow classmate, Josephine, congratulations and lots of wishes on her graduation.
6. Social Media
My best advice—start now!! Begin separate accounts. This is important. Keep your personal account separate from your business. Use Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc. to showcase your skills beginning on your first day of school. Always take before and after pictures and post them to your accounts, with the Guest’s permission, of course. This is a great way to promote yourself and showcase your skills.
Remember, you can do anything you set your mind to. When things get tough or frustrating, try thinking about what started you on this journey. Why you want to be a stylist and what your plans are for the future. Most importantly believe in yourself, the future is yours!