How To Ease Back To School Stress

Change is in the air- you can see and feel its approach.

As you venture out to your favorite stores, you notice those cute summer outfits are hanging on clearance racks, replaced on displays by hoodies and shawls. The oh-so-inviting patio furniture setups are scarce, and the pretty pink flowers are gone too, replaced by autumn hues. Back-to-school items surround you, everywhere you look. Suddenly, it hits you. You get a lump in your throat as you think,
“Wow! I’m going back to school and I’m getting scared.”
As a first-time beauty school student, your fears are valid. You’re not alone in your racing thoughts, keeping you up at night and increasing your daily snack intake to dangerously high levels. Well, let’s try to put down the chocolate, and prep the pillow to rest easy tonight. The jitters can be eased as the countdown to school start begins.
Here are some simple ways to beat back-to-school stress:
Build a friendly support network.

Summon the friends and family that helped you realize your dream career in cosmetology. You need them now more than ever to remind you that you’ve got this! You’ve already checked all the boxes and are ready to shine as the beauty school sensation you’re meant to be. Be sure to contact those you feel secure with when tension sets in. Confide in this network- they’ve got your back through the good and bad.
Just breathe.

You’ve most likely heard the buzz about mindfulness and meditation these days. There are lots of apps for the stress you feel.
When your mind just won’t shut off, try to refocus with help from Headspace, Calm, or Breathe2Relax, to hear a soothing voice instructing you to breathe deeply, lift the weight off your shoulders, and find peace with your decision to be a cosmetology student. Sounds hokey at first, but most are free, and they really do seem to work.
Banish negativity.

When faced with change, it seems inevitable that we think of every single situation that can go wrong, and fret about future doom. Retrain that circus in your head to instead see visions of success, and reaffirm the real reasons you’re taking this career leap. Quiet the naysayers and critics around you by pointing out how ready you are for all the wonderful possibilities your education will bring. Offer to be their future beauty consultant, and then do it!
Find an anxiety outlet.

Whatever you like to do as a hobby, whether it’s hitting the gym, a good movie, playing a game, or cooking, have it become your go-to stress remover. Having a side activity that takes your mind off your problems is the best way to refresh and refocus. If you already have one, go to it often. If you don’t, try to find an activity that makes you feel good about yourself. Interesting activities minimize distractions and clears the mind for all your new cosmetology knowledge.
The key to these back-to-school stress relief tools is to keep your head up and be positive about facing change. You took a step to improve your life and you’ll benefit from it. Embrace change- opportunity awaits. Be confident in your beauty school dream and you’ll fret no more!
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