5 Beauty Don’ts that You Know You’re Doing

You’ve been told. You’ve been warned. And yet, you can’t help it; you’re still making these beauty mistakes. After all, you’ve not experienced any troubles yet…

DON’T Sleep with Makeup on
Your skin repairs itself at night. And, when you sleep, you’re allowing dirt to stretch your pores… and they will never shrink once expanded. If you’re really, really, ridiculously tired, use one a cleansing wipe before going to bed.

DON’T Skip the Sunscreen
Cold and clouds don’t block the sun. Avoiding sunscreen is akin to inviting the early onset of wrinkles. Sure, the Vitamin D from the sun is good, but you need protection for the other 23 hours and 45 minutes of the day. If you need more convincing, take a look at skin cancer pictures- they are proof of the necessity of sunscreen.

DON’T Ignore the Effects of Exercise
You may be lucky enough to have a metabolism that keeps you thin and muscular enough, but exercise is still vital for a long and healthy life. You don’t have to do a lot, but 30-minute sessions throughout the week will ensure long lasting beauty. And never, never skip the shower after your workout.

DON’T Forget about the Magic Number 8
To look your best, you need about eight hours of sleep a night and at least 8 glasses of water every day. While you’re at it, why don’t you go for 8 servings of fruits and vegetables too? All of these will make you naturally radiant and help you to remain that way.

DON’T Close Your Eyes to Your Food
What you eat matters. That doesn’t mean you can’t have those boneless wings, an extra slice of pizza, a soda or chocolate. But, those items should be treats and not staples in your diet. You really are what you eat, and your skin and body will demonstrate that over time. Why not give yourself what you need to be successful?