5 Tips for the Most Beautiful Hair Ever
Some women have the most incredible hair. We’re not talking about celebs, either. (It doesn’t count when there’s a team of people making you look amazing every time you make a public appearance.) We’re talking about girls you know, pass in the grocery store, or see on the way to class.
Want to know what makes their hair so….perfect? (Of course! Who wouldn’t?) Besides time, there are a few tricks you can steal from the gals with the most beautiful hair you’ve ever seen.

The Best Washing Schedule for Your Hair
It can be tough to figure out when to wash your hair. You’ll find people that claim once or twice a week is enough. Others tell you that you really should stick with the once a day that you grew up believing.
What’s best?
It’s likely to be somewhere in the middle. Here are a few rules you can follow. If you work out every day, then you need to wash your hair every day. If you live in a really dry environment, then you can probably wash once or twice a week. Most women will settle somewhere in the middle of that. Find the right rhythm and stick with it.

What’s on the Inside Counts
Your hair needs certain nutrients to grow and remain shiny and lovely. You can’t provide your hair with everything it needs just from external applications. You need to pay attention to what you’re eating. And, you should ask you doctor about vitamins when you diet doesn’t give you everything you need.

Heat and Sun Protection Makes All the Difference
Never dry, curl, or straighten your hair without protecting it first. Your stylist will know the best products to recommend. It’s only a matter of time before you damage it terribly. And yes, your hair is just as susceptible to sun damage as your skin. Protect it…every day!
Cold Showers and Silk Sheets
You know you’re supposed to reduce the heat in the shower when washing your hair, but you don’t. A hot shower feels incredible, right? Just try a cooler temperature for a week….and buy a couple of silk pillow cases while you’re at it. You won’t believe the difference.

Don’t let Tangles Get You Down
Stop pulling at tangles. Settle into the fact that it will take time to comb or brush your hair. When you pull your hair, you can damage the untangled hair around the knots. If you’re susceptible to tangles, a little silkening spray can work wonders – so will more frequent brushing – always starting at the bottom up, of course.