8 Incredible Styles for Medium Length Hair

Your hair isn’t short, but you could hardly call it long either. And, when your hair sits somewhere around your shoulders, you might not know how to style it.
Of course, more celebs than ever before seem to be rocking mid-length hair these days. Why? There’s a lot more you can do with it than you might think.

Natural Curls
If you have natural curls, enhance those curls with styling mouse and gloss spray and your style is finished.

Add Some Waves
You can do so much with naturally wavy hair. Enhancing them with a curling iron (or a steady hand with a flat iron) is one of the easiest ways to make a statement, especially if you add a little volume to your hair with the right product.

Side-Swept Waves
Why not partially blow out your waves as you push them towards the back of your head? This look creates a perfect frame for round, heart, and square-shaped faces, plus it is fairly simple to achieve with a hair dryer and some hairspray.

Brushed-out Waves
Run a little mousse through your hair and brush out your natural waves before drying. But, only dry until your hair is about 80 percent dry, then scrunch your hair and leave it to air dry with just a touch of texture.

A Little More Curl
Even if you have straight hair, gals with medium-length hair often have an easier time with a curling iron than those with long hair. No matter what size barrel you use, your perfect curl will hold longer.

Add Some Volume
Of course, you may just need a hair dryer and a round brush to get the style and texture you’ve always wanted. A little patience (and volumizer) goes a long way.

The Power of Bangs
If you have thick, medium-length hair, you’ve got the recipe for perfect bangs. In fact, you can often make a statement with these… with minimal maintenance.

Grow That Bob
And, of course, bobs aren’t just for short-haired girls. The lob is totally on trend this year… and it looks great on almost everyone – especially if you add that touch of curl outward instead of inward.