This is Why Your Concealer isn't Working

You’ve tried… Oh, how you’ve tried, but you just can’t cover that pimple or those dark circles under your eyes. And, you’re understandably irritated. Perhaps this stress is even making it worse. But the reason you can’t make those blemishes disappear could be that you’re using all the wrong products.

A Quick Color Lesson
Remember art class? Think about the color wheel for a moment. Remember that complementary colors cancel each other. (In case you forgot, those are the colors opposite each other on the wheel.) If you’ve been using a flesh-colored concealer on your dark circles, you’re not doing much. You need a color that can combat the blue veins underneath causing those bags, not something that simply diffuses their strength.

Orange Concealer
If you have dark spots underneath your eyes or on your skin, you need to look for an orange concealer. Now, this won’t cover moles or beauty marks, but it will cancel bluish tones. And yes, it should be orange, the kind of orange you don’t want to have after a fake tan.

Green Concealer
Redness and pimples need green concealer. Think about the green of an aloe vera mud masque and you’re on the right track. This color can also be used for splotchy patches that affect sensitive skins.

The Application Trick
When applying orange and green concealer, the trick is to think outside of the blemish itself and consider the amount of blending required in the entire area. Work in large patches and don’t over apply. Rather than working just the under eye area, apply orange concealer around your entire eye – like a raccoon. The same goes for any red spots on your cheeks, work from one side of the face to another. It will look ridiculous at first, but once you apply your flesh-colored foundation and do a spot check with your flesh-colored concealer, you won’t believe your eyes.

That’s It!
After your face is primed, all that’s left is your foundation and then applying the rest of your makeup as you usually would. Who knew just how useful color lessons could be? (We’re not talking about fractions, of course.)
Have you been considering a career in beauty, or perhaps taking your makeup skills to the next level?
Empire Beauty School offers several Beauty Programs, including our Esthetics Program which will train you in all sorts of makeup artistry, facials, waxing, and more. Schedule a tour today and meet with a Career Planning Specialist to see if Empire is the perfect fit for you. Visit us at or call 1-800-964-3635.