4 Questions To Ask Before Changing Your Hair Color

I love when the mood strikes me and I decide that I want a fresh new color on my locks. It usually happens with the change of season; however, I personally believe that anytime is a great time to give your strands a new boost. Before jumping in the pool head first, take a moment and ask yourself these four questions below to make sure you will be satisfied with your choice. Remember- it’s only hair color!

1. What is my end goal?
Take a moment and think about what you want. Ask yourself, “Do I have a clear picture of what I want my hair color to look like when it’s finished?” Are you interesting in an allover color, or just a few strategically placed highlights? The time to decide what you want isn’t after you have sat in your stylists’ chair. Look for pictures in magazines or on social media to help determine what look you are really going for.

2. Do I really want to change?
Is this a spur of the moment type of decision, or have you taken your time and given it some thought. Take caution when making major changes to your hair if you may be feeling a bit too emotional. You don’t want to end up sorry in a few days’ time because you decided it was a good idea to color your blonde hair black after a fight with your significant other.
Believe me; I have seen this happen all too many times. The regret is not worth it, especially if you never really wanted the change in the first place. If you really feel set on the change, give yourself a few extra nights to sleep on it. If you still have the urge after a few days, then go for it.

3. How much do I want to spend on upkeep?
Some of the latest trends are very intense fashion colors, which have a tendency to fade quicker the more frequently you shampoo. Consider the amount of upkeep you will have to undergo. Is this a color that can be touched up every 4-6 weeks, or will you need to make more frequent trips that will end up costing you more money? Consider any product you might want to purchase. You may want to extend the life of your new shade with a color retention shampoo and conditioner. Most people don’t consider this cost in their final budget.

4. Will I need to update my makeup or wardrobe?
This is probably one of the biggest misses people make when choosing a drastic new color for their locks. Think about the colors you enjoy wearing now. Will that vibrant red shade clash with your favorite tee shirt? Is your favorite go to smoky eye going to be a bit too strong with platinum strands? Will you need to enhance your skin tone to avoid looking too washed out?
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