Strange Items You Should Keep in Your Beauty Kit

What’s in your makeup bag and beauty kit? Lots of lovely colors and plenty of products, right? And we bet you take this bag to the gym, to the office, when you travel or spend the night somewhere.
Your beauty bags should certainly have products in them, but you might be surprised at the number of things your bags might be missing.

The Heal of an Old Shoe
This is a bit strange, we know. But, the heel of an old sneaker is one of the best ways to dust off brushes in between colors. Simply run your brush over that traction. (And we suggest washing your old shoes before adding them to your beauty bag.

Q-Tips (and Black Q-Tips)
You probably have these already. And you likely use them for your ears. But, these babies are great for applying precision eye shadow, smudging eye liner and also correcting mistakes. If you pick them up in black, you’ll be able to see what you’re doing even when you work with light colors.

Reinforcement Holes
If you haven’t noticed, these stickers are great for creating a perfectly rounded polish at the tips. They’re good for more than your nails too. Just think what they can do to help you outline tricky corners when you need a guide.

A Piece of Paper
You can use this to cover your face when you spray your bangs into place. You can also use it to get an idea of a color combination before you begin applying your eye shadow. And, it makes a great divider at the last minute. Just be sure to replace it often.

Whether you need to open a new product, or you need to rip the bottom off an old tube to squeeze out the last of the product, you can always use a pair of scissors. You can also use these scissors to cut the end off lipsticks so you can blend colors together.

Dry Shampoo
If you find some grease in your hair, apply dry shampoo and massage it in. You’ll be good to go.

Ziploc Bags
Which products explode in your makeup bag? The ones you want to salvage if you can. The best way to do it requires isolating these products until you get home. Ziploc bags are a true life saver when this happens. They’re also great for grabbing a few extra products to take with you to the powder room when your portable beauty kit is noticeable.