10 Reasons Why You Should Try a Beauty School Salon

Want to know a secret? Beauty school salons provide professional salon services for a fraction of the cost of other cosmetology establishments. These talented students are eager for new clients so they can gain the real-world experience necessary to graduate. Still on the fence? I was too. But here are a few facts about these student salons that will make you want to check them out:
1. Same Services

1. They offer the same services found at regular salons. That’s right, it’s not just a practice venue for haircuts. These salons offer what the beauty world demands, so why not try color (even fancy stuff, like shadow roots and balayage), manicures, pedicures, and spa services such as facials and waxing.
2. The prices are amazing! Save money while being pampered. This is a great option for those wanting to look good but struggle with a budget. Or for those like me, who need frequent salon visits for my many beauty struggles. You can do more with less, so embrace the fun of trying new techniques without destroying your bank account.

3. You’ll be helping cosmetology students gain confidence in their craft. This stage is truly the icing on the cake of a cosmetology student’s educational journey. Those who service you aren’t novices. In fact, they’re seniors ready to venture out into the real beauty world. They’ve studied lessons, took exams, and worked on numerous mannequin parts as well as each other.
Imagine their excitement when allowed the incredible opportunity to excel with paying clients. As you might imagine, nothing thrills them more than delivering hands-on service to real customers with individual needs. Your reward? You’ll receive top-notch style while contributing towards the educational process for students. They’re ready to make a difference…one head at a time!
4. Students are supervised by on-site instructors. The student will first perform a consultation on the services you’re seeking. Before doing anything, they review the course of action with their instructor, who will visit you to assess the situation and give the go-ahead. Under the educator’s watchful eye and words of wisdom, you’ll be assured each step of the way that you’ll leave sporting your new style with a smile. Plus, your student stylist will be forever grateful!

5. Great to try for in-between salon touchups. For the timid amongst us, why not explore the benefits of student salons in baby steps? You can begin to get comfortable by trying a simple manicure, nail polish change, hair color touch-up, shave, or just a trim. Who knows, maybe you’ll become a repeat client. What a great way to give back to your community while getting better looking each step of the way.
6. The students aim to please. You’ll rejoice in the above and beyond service offered to you from beauty students. I’ve been told, as well as experienced firsthand, the high level of commitment these stylists deliver when attending to salon visitors. They take their time to ensure all is done exactly as requested, professionally, and according to the lessons they’ve studied diligently. Manners and pampering take center stage.

7. Student salons are modern and equipped with great gadgets. Please don’t envision bland, clinical, hallowed halls of boredom just because it’s a school setting. Enter one and you’ll find modern fixtures, cool color schemes and comfy chairs. If you like to experiment with the latest and greatest techniques, you’ve found your future favorite place! Students love to try edgy, creative styles. Not so brave? They welcome traditional favorites too. Most services are done with the best beauty tools in the industry from well-known vendors eager to help the trade.
8. Walk-ins are welcome and appointments readily available. In a pinch for time and your regular stylist is booked for weeks? Now is your chance to walk-in and let the magic happen. Or you can make an appointment with fast turnaround from a full staff eagerly awaiting your requests. Scheduling and time management are a big part of student salon education, so you’d be helping them in more ways than one.

9. Most salons offer special beauty package deals. Trying to find a fun activity for a small group of tweens for an upcoming birthday party or special event? Take a load off and let the stylists entertain and beautify. Sweet sixteen or princess parties, spa manicures, and makeup applications are memories in the making for special friends.
10. Retail products are recommended for your style and available to purchase. You’ll be treated to the best quality products during your service. If you like what you see, feel, and smell, trust your senses and take the opportunity to buy some cool new products upon checkout. Salon products are chosen to make the most of your new ‘do. You won’t be disappointed!
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