Home » Blog » Memphis, Tennessee Empire Beauty School Featured in My FOX MEMPHIS Report: “Bargain Thursday Spa Treatment”

Memphis, Tennessee Empire Beauty School Featured in My FOX MEMPHIS Report: “Bargain Thursday Spa Treatment”

by Empire Beauty School


This report by Valerie Calhoun of My FOX MEMPHIS begins with the idea that “The gift of beauty doesn’t have to come with an ugly price tag. In honor of Moms everywhere, this is a Bargain Thursday where you can get Mom a manicure and pedicure or even a facial for $15.”

In this report, Valerie Calhoun recommends the “Empire Beauty School in Memphis” because the cosmetology school on Colonial Road “offers a shampoo and haircut for $5, a relaxer and style for $26.” And Memphis Empire Beauty School cosmetology educator “Christine Luckey says a manicure and pedicure are both $15.50.”

Valerie Calhoun reminds her listeners that Empire Beauty Schools “is a national chain that specializes in educating people in the fine art of beauty”. In the report, Luckey says “our prices are so discounted…it invites the public to come in so our Memphis beauty school students can perfect their trade” and prepare themselves for beauty jobs in Tennessee and success in the beauty industry.

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