Grey Hair, Don't Care!

Silver locks are no longer just for Grandma and her bridge club buddies. The new trend in color is taking an iridescent turn, with shiny shades of silver.

Photo courtesy of modern salon
A new flock of fashion forward, “hairventurous” women, waaaaay south of 60, are going for grey.
Everyone from celebrities to fashion models, to trendy teens and cool moms are jumping onboard, trying something sleek, sophisticated and different.
Most major color brands are re-introducing silver shades, branded for young women looking for a something new.
What was once revered as the last color of choice, is now becoming an increasingly popular shade. It can look edgy and cool or sleek and chic. And the best part is, this growing trend is totally new, not just a reemergence of a trend from a past generation.
Tempted to try silver locks? Consider these ideas:
- Be bold and try all-over silver, or take the look even further by mixing it with hues of blue, or purple or even white highlights.
- The popular ombre trend works with silver too!

Source: Pinterest
And don’t worry, this isn’t your Grandma’s grey. Stylists all over the country have been tweaking greys and silvers to get cooler, almost slate-like colors.
Some new colors even have a metallic, shiny finish. But it’s worth noting: it takes very healthy hair to keep these iridescent colors vibrant.
This trend could be called the “new platinum.” But different than blonde, the perfect silver color should be placed over hair bleached white, not yellow. And as if blonde locks aren’t hard enough to maintain, you can imagine the upkeep on silver. It takes time, effort, and of course, money. Unlike dark hair, silver hues need touch ups every two weeks or so.

Rocking really great silver at a younger age certainly requires some professional help. A professional hair colorist can achieve the shade you are looking for. If done right, silver is a beautiful, trendy and versatile look. Not everyone can pull it off, but if your brave, sassy and have the guts to try it, why not?! Your stylist will guide you through the process until you achieve the color and style you desire.
So what do you think? Should you channel your inner Game of Thrones character? Want to rock out like an Osbourne? Or, maybe you want to have the sleek sophistication of a runway model?
If you’re game, now is the time. Silver is in. And, unlike your Grandma, you can always go back to your natural hair color.