Jamie Woods: U.S. Veteran to Cosmetology School

Not once did Jamie Woods ever think she would be where she is today. A Senior student at Empire Beauty School in Spring Lake Park, MN, talking with me by phone about her love of haircutting, her excitement about graduation and… the United States Navy.

It’s not 2 topics that often go together. But when they collide, watch out. I’ve talked to quite a few Empire students and graduates who are not only amazingly talented cosmetology students and professionals, but are also U.S. Veterans.
“I served in the Navy for 10 years, from 2002 to 2012.” says Jamie. “I worked in Human Resources during my time in the service. But afterward, sitting at a desk didn’t appeal to me anymore. I am a very hands-on person.”
Cosmetology school isn’t something Jamie ever really considered before. She always liked beauty, but it wasn’t until she talked with a Vocational counselor about her strengths and interests that she considered it as a future career.
“It just wasn’t on my radar. I had never considered it. But I am so glad I did, because I love what I am doing!”
She says a military background may seem unconventional for a hairstylist, but in fact, there are plenty of transferrable skills.
“It helps to have discipline. To be able to admit when you make a mistake, and find a way to fix the problem is a great tool in this industry.”
She says her time in the Navy also taught her to focus on the skills you are good at and develop them.
“I really love haircutting. I am going to focus on sharpening my skills in this area and be the best I can be at it.”

Jamie is on track to graduate from Empire Beauty School in February. She says she hopes to find a position that allows her to continue to grow as a hairstylist, particularly as a cutter.
“It really is my passion. I would actually like to focus on men’s cuts. I have other goals down the line, but for now, I just want to keep learning and improving.”
This talented student is just one of many U.S. Veterans who are taking their strong, motivated personalities and finding new careers after the military.
All of us at Empire are sending our thanks to Jamie and all of our Veteran students, graduates and staff for their service to our country. Without it our mission of creating opportunities for people to improve their lives just wouldn’t be possible.