Sierra Buckmire: Making the Most of Social Media and Technology

“They found me on Instagram.” Says Sierra Buckmire, 2015 graduate of Empire Beauty School in Boston, MA. “They liked my worked and asked if I would be interested in joining their network.”

Sierra was approached by the founders of Glam App, a new, on demand beauty service that is popping up in cities all over the country. Think of it as the Uber of professional beauty services. You hire a licensed professional to come to you for whatever services you need. Hair, makeup, nails. For Sierra, it’s been a way to expand her new, and growing, clientele.
“Since October, I’ve had a handful of appointments from Glam App. It’s just starting here in Boston. It’s been great so far, since it gets my name out there. If people like your work, they’ll refer others to you.”
Glam App is the latest in a craze of beauty related technology that is taking the industry out of the standard salon and into the cyber world. It’s a move Sierra, and most young future professionals are correctly navigating early in their career.

Sierra’s work on Instagram.
“When I was going to Empire, we all had Instagram accounts. We would use hashtags with beauty buzz words. All you had to do was search beauty and we were there. It’s a necessity. People are searching your work before they book an appointment with you. It helps to have a place where potential clients can go to see your creativity and style.”
Just a few short weeks after graduating, Sierra is already employed as a stylist at SuperCuts. Her goal is to move up within the company and would love to manage a salon one day.
“One thing my educators taught me at Empire was to never stop learning. I take advantage of all the extra advanced education available through SuperCuts and beyond. My goal is to become a master colorist and stylist.”

She is already well on her way to being a master marketer. Sierra understands the importance of social media, and how stylists can use it to their advantage. Between Instagam, SnapChat, Glam App and, Sierra says there are a growing number of ways to share, connect and grow.
“The great thing is, the more experience you get, the more you have to share. Social media is definitely key. It’s the best way to highlight your skills and showcase your talent. I tell everyone starting out in this business to get working on their social media and start sharing.”