Student Stars: Empire Grad Making a Name for Himself in NYC

Styling hair comes at all hours of the day for Empire Beauty School graduate Joey Oso. His latest venture has him up early, styling the tresses of network morning news.
“Anchor hair is a challenge.” says Joey. “If there is one flyaway, it will be noticed. I had to practice quite a bit to get it right.”

Joey on the set of Good Morning America.
Oso is currently styling anchors on Good Morning America and CNBC. He has 20 minutes to coif their hair to perfection.
“Before my interview, I practiced on mannequins at home to get the timing right. I shaved a few minutes off my time just by investing in a belt for my tools. Less reaching shaved time off the styling process. I was prepared and they loved it!”
But styling news anchors, although great for the resume, is just one of many projects Joey has in the works. This freelance hairstylist based in Queens, NY is always networking, looking for jobs that not only pay the bills, but peak his interest.
“I am a very creative person. I can’t do the same thing everyday. That’s why the freelance lifestyle works for me. I get to choose which jobs I go after and what direction I want to take my career.”
Joey graduated from Empire Beauty School’s Queens campus in 2009. He was one of the few students in his class with a 4 year college degree already under his belt. He left the security of a full time job at CBS New York to follow his dream.

“I couldn’t stand going to work and not enjoying what I was doing. I didn’t like the structured hours and days spent in the office. It was too routine.”
Today, Joey’s life is anything but routine, as he makes his living styling hair at fashion shows for designers like Kenneth Cole, TV productions like Project Runway and Dancing with the Stars, along with magazine shoots and more.
“I look at all of these opportunities as stepping stones, taking me to the next level of my career.”
As for advice he can offer to current students finding their way into the beauty industry, Joey says “The best thing you can do is try to find a mentor. Find a stylist that you can really look up to.”
He says networking with stylists in your area and beyond shows dedication, passion and interest. And in the world of a freelance hairstylist, that’s everything.
“I am my own boss. I am in control of my own future.”