
Arizona Schools Participate in Community Career Day

Students and staff from the Avondale, Glendale, and North West Phoenix, Arizona, cosmetology schools  participated in a community career day, showcasing their skills and discussing cosmetology as a future professional career to many young people at the Experience Your Future Day in April. Experience Your Future Day was held at the University of Phoenix Stadium Arizona Schools Participate in Community Career Day

Empire CPS Take Over Friday Night Lights in Arizona

Empire Education Group Career Plan­ning Specialists Hazel Ortiz and Christi Cook of the Avondale, Arizona, Empire Beauty School are bringing Empire to local high school football games. Ortiz and Cook have visited several schools, inviting students and the public to learn more about Cosmetology train­ing for numerous types of careers in the beauty industry. With Empire CPS Take Over Friday Night Lights in Arizona

Arizona Empire Beauty School Participates in Domestic Violence Coalition

In September, all the Region 1 Arizona Empire Beauty Schools participated in the Domestic Violence Coalition at the 30th Anniversary Gala Celebration and Awards Dinner. Empire’s participation in the event was initiated by Empire Education Group’s Vice President of Industry Relations Dorothy McKinley-Soressi. Nearly 30 students provided basic hair styles, make up, nails and hair Arizona Empire Beauty School Participates in Domestic Violence Coalition