
Empire Students Collect More Than $450,000 in 5 Months!

Empire’s annual Empire Gives Back fundraising competition brought in $457,336.09 in donations, supplies and free services for shelters across the country. During the five months competition, which began in August, schools competed to see which could raise the most per student.  Schools with $50 per student will receive 3 free seats to Future Professional Expo, Empire Students Collect More Than $450,000 in 5 Months!

Grand Rapids, Michigan Empire Beauty School Featured in The Flint Journal Article

Portage, Michigan Empire Beauty School Featured in the Beauty School Advisor Article: “Krissy’s Cosmetology School Instructors Encourage Her Talent” October 1, 2008 The Chic University of Cosmetology on Constitution Boulevard is now an Empire Beauty School and was featured in the Beauty School Advisor article, “Krissy’s Cosmetology School Instructors Encourage Her Talent.” The blog article Grand Rapids, Michigan Empire Beauty School Featured in The Flint Journal Article