10 Beauty Rules for the Best Summer Hair, Makeup and Skin
Warmer weather is finally here (for most of us) and that means flow-ey maxi dresses and skirts, white pants, and whole lotta sunshine! Summer months also bring with them a new beauty routine. So what’s yours look like? Take a peek at my list of Top 10 Beauty Rules for Summer and you’ll be set to go from Memorial to Labor Day!
#1-Get glowing, healthy skin…naturally
Happy skin has a happy glow, no highlighter needed!
Studies suggest that people are naturally happier during sunny, warmer weather and I would agree. The boost in Vitamin D has fantastic effects on our mood and also, our appearance. It is no secret that prolonged sun exposure is not recommended, but does that mean you have to stay inside until after sunset? No way! Find a moisturizer for your face, and use it Daily! Next time you head to the salon, ask the employees for a suggestion if you’re unsure what to use. Even if they don’t offer spa services, anyone with a Cosmetology license learned skincare while in school and should be able to help you. A good moisturizer should have an SPF of 30 to keep your face from harmful UVB rays from the sun. It will also keep your skin soft and supple throughout the day and works great underneath a foundation if you’re a makeup wearer.
#2-Get perfect, beach hair
Beach waves are super-easy to create and achievable for almost every hair type.
Beach waves are a huge trend that has outgrown summer months, but of course are most appropriate when you could actually end up on a beach. Professional product lines have caught on and many now have a ‘Beach Hair’ spray or ‘Sea Salt’ sprays. Essentially it is up to everyone to find what works on their own hair but the desired result is usually pretty similar. Beach (sea salt) hair sprays should have sea salt somewhere on the ingredient list. The salts will give your hair texture and grip, even if you have trouble holding a curl, this will get you some scrunch without the crunch! Because these products can be drying (salt), make sure you use a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner to replace lost moisture. You cannot overuse these products since there are no oils in them, so don’t worry about looking greasy or having excessive product build-up. If the thought of putting something drying on your hair turns you off, you can also get a great looking wave with a curling iron. I love the gold plated ones; since they can penetrate the hair shaft better the curl lasts longer. Use a larger barrel so it doesn’t end up looking like a ringlet, and curl only the mid-to bottom portion of the hair. Run your fingers through the length of your hair when you are finished to tousle it up and you’re good to go.
#3-Apply SPF, and then re-apply
Tip: overcast days require SPF too, since UV rays penetrate through the fluffy clouds.
Sunscreen is available everywhere, and any time. When you find one that you like make sure you apply it to any area that will be exposed to the sun before you step out. Many people think that that is enough, and while it would be great if it were, you must re-apply it every 2-3 hours. Most of us spend as much time outside as possible in summer and you want to reap the benefits, not suffer the consequences. So don’t leave that bottle at home, toss it in your bag and keep it close by if you are going to be outside for longer than planned so you’re ready and your skin doesn’t pay the price.

You want to make sure your skin is ready to shine any time since you won’t be throwing 2-3 layers over every surface of your body all day anymore. This means getting rid of any dead skin cells that are clinging on to the new ones that are ready to show off. Legs and feet are the areas of our bodies that get the most attention in summer so pay special attention to regularly exfoliating them. A sugar scrub, buffing block, or exfoliating brush does the trick and is a quick, easy add-on in the shower!
Keep it natural during the summer months.
Scale back on face makeup in warmer weather. Your skin will get color naturally even with healthy sunscreen use. Don’t cover it up with heavy foundations and powders. Switch to a good BB or CC cream, which will have the feel of a tinted moisturizer and also have color perfecting ingredients in them! If your skin gets oily in summer, you’re like the rest of us. This doesn’t mean skimp on the moisturizer; it just might require a quick blot with tissue or a mattifier. Use lip color with SPF, your lips need moisture and sun protection too! Summer beauty is always more natural looking, not so made up. Which is great since it means you can spend less time getting gorgeous!
#6-Grooming Required
Have you ever had a bikini wax?
If you’re going to be anywhere near a swimsuit, make sure your usually hidden parts are ready for a little more exposure. Schedule a bikini wax, or grab a razor with moisturizing strips…razor bumps will ruin a great sun bathing session!
#7-This Little Piggy
You have to have a great pedicure when you take your “sitting on the beach” pic!!
Your feet take a serious beating and are usually hidden under a sock, nylon, or shoe most of the year. Summer is when you want to let them breathe, but you don’t want to get caught with chipped polish or rough calluses. Pedicures are a simple solution, and many beauty schools will offer them if they’re not in your budget. If you’re a DIY girl, grab a bottle of your most fabulously bright polish, a file and lotion. Your feet like to be healthy too, and you don’t want to distract from those amazing new sandals you’ll be wearing!
#8-Add some shimmer
Remember, it is the “3” motion when applying bronzer.
Even if you’re a matte-addict, summer weather inspires warmer tones and bright eyes. Make them pop with a shadow or highlighter with a little shimmer. Bronzer is another great way to add a glow, and should be applied in a “3” motion, hitting only the high points of your face not as an all-over powder. To apply to the opposite side of the face, do the exact same motion backwards. This also gives the appearance of a youthful glow, regardless of age
#9-A Bit of Blonde

Summer locks generally lighten on their own the more time you spend outside. But if you want a great color that doesn’t require sun exposure ask your stylist for a few, natural looking buttery-blonde foils the next time you see him or her. Don’t go too dramatic, especially if you’re a seasonal color-changer. You want to look sun kissed, not over-exposed and over-processed. Depending on your current hair, you may or may not have to lighten with lightener or permanent color. Do not try this at home, lightener can be very damaging if you are not professionally trained on how to use it properly
#10-Lock Protection
Wearing a big sun hat also makes you look like a potential celebrity.
Hair and scalp generally see the most sun compared to anything else with the exception of your face. Act accordingly, because a burned scalp and dehydrated hair are not a good look on anyone. A great summer hat or fab scarf are a perfect way to shade your hair and scalp. For us brunettes, the sun also means color fade, which can get costly if you have to make additional salon appointments to prevent it. If you’re not a fan of accessories, look for a UV Protectant for your hair that you can spray before getting some sun. They’re lightweight and you won’t be able to see or feel them on your hair. Keep in mind these products will not save your scalp, which is still an extension of the skin on your face and it just as susceptible to sun damage.
Readers, what are some of your favorite summer beauty tips?