7 Bad Hair Habits You Need to Stop Immediately

There’s a good chance you’re damaging your hair without even realizing it! We’re not just talking about blow-drying it every day or spritzing on too much hair spray. You know you’re doing that. But there are a few other things you do all the time that just don’t set the scene for healthy, gorgeous hair.

Your Shower Water Is Too Hot
We know hot water is lovely, but it’s over stripping your hair and damaging the ends. If you really need that hot shower, at least turn it down when washing your hair and reduce the time you spend with the water on.

You’ve Stopped Washing Your Hair
It’s true, we’ve been over-washing our hair for a few decades now. But, you shouldn’t push it longer than your hair cares to manage on its own. Once a week is the max you should go between washes, and twice a week is a good compromise, especially if your hair is above your shoulders.

You’ve Still Got That Old Brush
Hair brushes hold a lot of bacteria, flakes, and germs. It’s a cocktail of nastiness. Washing your brushes only prolongs their life; it doesn’t make them immortal. You will need to invest in new brushes at some point – especially if they have a funky smell.

Not Sleeping Like a Princess
Really, cotton pillow cases can bruise the ends of your hair and stifle the air flow while you sleep. Get rid of them and make the switch to satin or silk cases. It will make all sorts of difference in the way your hair behaves.

Pulling Your Hair Back Every Day
Whether you wear a bun, a ponytail, or you twist your hair into style every day, you might be creating too much tension if pulled too tightly. This causes traction alopecia that effectively damages the hair follicles at the roots. And once you’ve done that, those hairs are gone for good.

Forgetting Sun Protection
Yes, even in winter, the sun can damage your hair. Just as you put sunscreen on before your makeup, you should give your hair some protection too. A hat will do the job, but if that’s not your scene, you can pick up an SPF-spray. Use it if you plan to be outdoors for the day.

Scrimping on Products You Really Need
There are some hair products that help your hair immensely, such as heat protection sprays and creams. You don’t want to scrimp on these products, nor do you want to skip a hair mask treatment. If you’re feeling the financial pinch, cut down on the styling products, not the protective ones.