DIY Summer Wedding Beauty Regime

Not all brides can afford to have their hair and makeup and that of their bridesmaids professionally done on their wedding day. But with the right tools, a few tips and enough preparation, you are more than capable of creating your own cover girl pretty on your special day. Let us tell you how.

Practice Makes Perfect
Most professional stylists will do a dry run of your wedding day hair, so this is a good idea for you to do as well, especially if you are trying a new style. Also it’s a good way of seeing how well the style will or won’t hold after a day or evening of celebrating. For your makeup, you’ll want to take lighting and photography into consideration. For example, if you normally wear little to no makeup and your reception is being held in a reception hall with dim overheard lighting, you will look washed out in pictures if you don’t change your style. You may want to use some bronzer and apply more eyeliner, mascara and lipstick than you normally would. Contrastly, if you’re the kind of girl to go glam with makeup and you’re having an outdoor daytime wedding, you will look over done. Try scaling back on the eye shadow, foundation and bronzer, and if you wear false lashes, use individual strands rather than a full lash for a more natural look. Most brides have to make minor adjustments to their normal makeup look to strike the perfect balance.

Plan, Plan, Plan!
The importance of planning cannot be stressed enough. The first thing to consider is time. Since you will be doing your hair and makeup yourself you need to give yourself extra time. Think about how long it normally takes you to get ready for a night out. Now double that time, and if possible, add on another 20 minutes. The extra time will give you a cushion should you want to do something over if you make a mistake. Also you’ll likely be with your bridesmaids so there will be lots of talking and excitement which will take up some extra time!

Tools and Supplies
Make yourself a check list for everything you’ll need and pack a bag the day before if you aren’t getting ready at your home. Q-tips, tissues, paper towels, oil-absorbing papers, extra sponges, eye drops, makeup removing cloths, hair products, blow dryer, curling iron, hot rollers, flat iron, makeup bag (don’t forget your makeup!), brush, comb,and bobby pins are some essentials.

When the Heat is On
One important thing to remember about summer makeup and hair is the heat factor. Even if you are in an air conditioned room, nervousness and the use of hot styling tools can make you sweat, which will melt your makeup. This is especially true if you have a few or more girls in the same room. Do you hair first and then take a break and cool down. Once you’re back to normal temperatures, then apply your makeup. If you can, set up a few small fans. Fans can cool an overheated room surprisingly well.

Bathroom Touchup Kit
Think about whatever you use when you do touch-ups at other weddings—do you brush your hair? Blot your face? Reapply lipstick? Put these items in a bag to keep in the women’s restroom (if you don’t have your own room on site at a facility). Also, because many of your female guests will be carrying clutches or purses that are much smaller than what they normally use, many brides provide some basic supplies for the bathroom: tissues, hair spray, toothpaste, mouthwash, etc.
With some preplanning and practice you will look and feel beautiful and comfortable on your summer wedding day. With a little organization and the right logistics, you will be the gorgeous summer bride you want to be!