Premiere Philadelphia Show

Empire Beauty School students, educators and staff from all over Pennsylvania and New Jersey recently attended Premiere Philadelphia, the first Premiere Beauty Show to be held in the Northeast.
The two-day event featured the latest in products, styles, tools, and education. Historically, The Premiere shows have hosted events in the Southeast and the Western parts of the United States. This year’s schedule brought the show to Philadelphia.
Empire staff and alumni visiting the show attended advanced education classes offered by some of the best product lines and hairdressing experts in the United States.
The Second Day Featured A Student Competition.
1st Place Winner- Chucky inspired horror theme. Wyoming Valley Team.
2nd Place Winner. Amazing 90’s inspired look. Center City Team.
The theme was…
90’s Rewind: Celebrity Look Alike School Team competition.
Several Empire Beauty Schools participated, with two of our teams taking the top spots!
Empire Beauty School’s Wyoming Valley Team placed first with their Chucky inspired horror theme.
While students from our Center City Philadelphia campus followed up with a 2nd place finish with their amazing 90’s inspired look.
The show also featured professional competitions, exhibitors and demonstrations.
The Premiere Shows Plan To Return Next Year To Philadelphia.

Premiere is one of several major trade shows serving the beauty industry throughout the country.
Shows like Premiere and others typically offer student discounts for entry. Many product companies and salons also offer scholarship opportunities.
There are many ways the beauty industry supports new and upcoming stylists. There are many scholarships available for those who choose to attend cosmetology school.

By visiting you can learn about some of the ways scholarships can help your education become a reality.
If you are interested in learning more about a future in cosmetology, please fill out the online form on this page or call us at 1 (800) 964-1328.
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