Empire Beauty School Student Wins $10,000 Tresemme Scholarship

If you’ve ever considered attending cosmetology school but are unsure about how feasible it is financially, consider applying for a scholarship. Like most other accredited universities, there are scholarships available for cosmetology students. Ayanna Wright, a student at one of Empire Beauty School’s campuses in Louisville, Kentucky, was recently chosen as a recipient of the Tresemme Future Stylist Fund Scholarship. Wright, who came upon the scholarship on social media and was later introduced to it by a fellow sorority sister, is overjoyed to be receiving this new opportunity.
“It’s great to see the vision I have for myself finally coming to fruition,” Wright said, beaming. “I feel great.”

Wright was one of the thousands of applicants from all over the country, and while she knew only a small handful would be selected to receive the award, her tightly knit group of educators at Empire Beauty School, family, and friends all encouraged her to take the leap. The application simply required the applicants to identify as a minority and to be enrolled at an accredited University. Wright, meeting these requirements, filled out her application, and sent in a one-minute video, explaining how she would utilize the funds if chosen.
Empire’s faculty and staff always encourage their students to pursue their dreams and to seize new opportunities, including those at Wright’s school, who championed her from the moment she got the notion to apply.

“My girls have definitely supported me through this journey,” Wright said of her peers and instructors at Empire Beauty School. “They have let me know how proud they are.
With the assistance of the Tresemme Future Stylist Fund Scholarship, Wright plans to use her cosmetology license to not only become a hairstylist but to own her very own salon and even return to Empire Beauty School to become an educator herself, in hopes of inspiring other individuals to work toward their goals.
Wright’s message for anyone who aspires to enter into the cosmetology field is that you’re beyond capable, you simply have to have confidence in yourself and be willing to take chances.
“I don’t look at it just as a win for me, I look at it as a win for my school, for my peers, for anyone out there who wants to be a cosmetologist by letting them know that you can do it. You just have to believe in yourself first.”
For more information about scholarship opportunities, Empire Beauty School, or how to enroll, please visit https://bit.ly/LearnMoreAtEmpire