Why Cosmetology Will Be Around Forever

by Lori Hudak

When you are thinking about a career, you want to think about job security. Will you be able to find a job after you graduate? If you move, will you be able to find a job?

There are beauty artifacts from most early civilizations – think about the Egyptians and the makeup around their eyes. They valued beauty. All civilizations have – and from our current society, we will continue to value beauty.


What makes Cosmetology a fantastic choice is that where there are people, there are Cosmetologists. Random question, but how many dolphin trainers are there in Colorado? That might seem like a silly thing to think about, but it’s true.

There aren’t too many towns in America without a Cosmetologist. Whether you prefer a small town or a large city, there will be Cosmetologists. The services that Guests come for may vary a bit from location to location, but there will still be demand.

Cosmetology is one of the few careers that will travel with you. Your life won’t be dictated by where a job takes you. You’ll be able to decide where you would like to live, and then you will be lucky enough to find a job where you want to be. That’s a pretty wonderful freedom.


You go somewhere to get your hair cut or nails manicured – we all do. Why, because we have to. Our nails and hair are constantly growing (cool fact: you’ll learn why in Cosmetology school), so we need to take care of them. From babies to the elderly in nursing homes, we all need a haircut. We’ve really accepted it as part of our life.

The key for any successful Cosmetologist is to capture people’s continual need for beauty care. While providing services, discussing future services is always a good idea – you might plant a seed about a new style, haircolor or help someone realize they need a cut every six weeks rather than every six months.

Not everyone knows how to maintain their hair, skin or nails – that is why Cosmetologists are needed. You are the professional who keeps us looking and feeling great. We will always need you.

Not everyone knows how to maintain their hair, skin or nails – that is why Cosmetologists are needed. You are the professional who keeps us looking and feeling great. We will always need you.

So, if you are interested in Cosmetology career…go for it! You will have a career that will always be in demand, and you will be able to work where you feel at home.

Cosmetology – it will be a career forever!

December 8, 2015

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